Making a payment to Liss Archaeological Group
Online payments for events and clothing
Our bank details: Liss Archaeological Group,
Sort Code: 09-07-25
Account number: 31585182
Please use the reference: Surname, then one of the following:
MEM (subs), 09dig (Autumn dig), CLTH (clothing) or EOD (end of dig do), PBD724 (Petersfield Big Dig)
Online Donations
Our bank details: Liss Archaeological Group,
Sort Code: 09-07-20
Account number: 03175170
Please use the reference: Surname,initial,Don
Cheque payments
Cheques should be made payable to Liss Archaeological Group
and sent to:
Membership Secretary, 42 Furze Hill Road, Headley Down, Bordon, Hampshire. GU35 8HA
Please email when you have made the payment so we can check it has arrived.
Note that payments for events are not refundable.