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CM517 Day 4 - May Day

David Quick

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

I was not on site yesterday, so no photos I'm afraid. However, Juliet had been approached by one of the nearby homeowners and asked whether we could please park our cars in a different place today so as not to overlook their home. So Juliet and I were out early putting up signs about the new parking place and directing cars so as not to cause offence. I then looked in at the Finds Tent and was quite surprised at the amount of pottery that had come out of the ploughsoil. Not so much CBM at this stage though.

I next went over to Trench S which had come along nicely over the last 24 hours. There was quite a large team of volunteers again today and everyone started cleaning back to a level, from the east side of the trench to the west. (Click thumbnails to see full-sized images).

Juliet was busy with Phelim sorting out contexts as the clean-up reached the bottom of the plough layer, which was clearly visible as scrapes in the soil. I could see there were some obvious features beginning to appear and having previously plotted the trench's position in our QGIS software I was hoping we might see the enclosure ditch that we have seen in the geophys plots start to appear at the northern end.

Juliet says that there are certainly some interesting features. Towards the north end the soil is a very different colour, which may indicate the enclosure ditch but it is too early to tell yet. South of and adjoining the dark patch is what looks to me like a layer of flints, although it is again too soon to speculate whether this was a surface of some kind or just where stones may perhaps have been made into a bank next to the enclosure. It also seemed that there were several postholes in the trench. Meanwhile Dave Butcher was taking the levels with the dumpy and giving a bit of tuition on how to do so at the same time.

I then had to head off to Heathrow. Tomorrow being Tuesday is a rest day but more updates on Wednesday.


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